Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My trip of a LIFETIME!!

 So as you guys may or may not know, last week I visited California for the first time EVER! The purpose of my trip you might ask?? TO SEE MCFLY PERFORM. ASJHDFIASOLDUFHYQAOLGHUR. I can not explain to you guys how long I have waited to see them...actually I can, and I plan to. So be prepared for the longest blog of your life! The trip started out with me flying from Florida (where I live) to Utah (where my friend from highschool lives). After arriving in Utah on the 4th of September, we decided not to sleep that night, and we took off for a roadtrip to California at 4:30 the next morning. Yes, 4:30. Although the trip was about 14 hours long, the scenery was beautiful. 
Arizona desert mountains

We arrived In West Hollywood, California around 5:30 pm Wednesday afternoon, and Immediately went and waited outside the boys' hotel. (Yes we knew where they were staying because we're freaks NO SHAME). Anyways the boys showed up around 7:30, and as you guys can probably gues, we were in awe. We had no idea what to do. We hid behind these bushes, uncontrollably shaking, and crying. After all, they are both of our favorite bands, and we never thought we would get an experience like that. Anyways when we finally fixed ourselves up and controlled ourselves (as much as we could) we walked around the bushes to see the boys. When we walked around, merch in hand, all 4 of the boys turned, looked at us and just stared and smiled for a good minute, their cameraman filming everything. Finally, Danny came up to us and was like "are you guys alright? it's nice to meet you!" Huge smile on his face. As we went around hugging everyone and introducing themselves (I'm surprised I remembered my name), we got them to sign pages from their calender, 5 cds, and 2 printed pictures between us; and they were more than happy to do so. After the autographs came the pictures. Me and christina were lucky enough to get individuals with all of the boys AND a group shot.

All 4 members of the band did everything we asked. When I told them how hard it was for us to get tickets, they were so angry! We told them how they are the reason me and Christina are friends, and I also told them about how everyone doubted me that I would meet them, when i told them i posted a status telling everyone who doubted me to fuck themselves, they all thought it was the best thing ever. They had just got back from a sushi dinner, and they all repeatedly apologized for smelling of fish (which wasn't the case at ALL). There were 3 other girls waiting for them outside their hotel. 3. That's it. Although me and Christina would have prefferred it be just us, we didn't mind because the guys basically paid more attention to us anyways since they could tell we were true fans. The other girls just wanted a picture and then left. That's not a true fan. Bitches. Anywho, while their cameraman was filming,I was getting Dougie to sign some stuff, and Christina was standing with me, Harry was talking to the cameraman about us! Pointing at us and everything. As Tom went up to Dave (the cameraman) he points at us and goes "They drove 14 HOURS to see us!" Harry turns to them and goes "it's alright mate, I already told him that". They were the cutest, most adorable, sexitest boys I have ever laid my eyes on. And they are just more beautiful in person, if that's even possible. That night after everything was said and done, we went to the hotel to get a good night's sleep.

 The next day, Thursday September 6th, was the day of the VMAS! I was in La when the VMAS were happening. What even is life?! We stood outside waiting to see if we would meet anyone. After a few hours of waiting around, having lunch and just taking it all in, we saw a few people from a distance including Sammie and Ronnie from Jersey shore, Mac Miller, Ne-Yo (Christina got a picture with him becase she went HAM and shoved people out of her way). We got to see a few people walking past us about 5 feets distance if not less including Sky Blue from LMFAO, Alex DeLeon from the Cab (who for some reason, no one knew who he was except us), and Kevin McHale from Glee. Now Kevin was extremely rude, but I won't go into details. That night we went and stood outside of some afterparties to see who we could catch. It was me, Christina, and some paparazzii, and after a while of waiting people started arriving. The Wanted showed up to the hotel, but because of the paparazzii, they got back in the car and went in through the back. :( Then to my surprise TRAVIS CLARK FROM WE THE KINGS drove up in his PERSONAL CAR. When me and Christina saw him through the windows (because we knew it was him from his distinct hair), he seemed annoyed because there were so many paparazzi, but when we waved in at him and he saw that we were fans, he got this huge grin, and waved back. Unfortunately, he didn't stop or get out, he also went in through the back doors. Last but not least while waiting in a different area, we met Cassie Scerbo who plays Brooke in the movie "Bring it On: In It to Win It", and Lauren Tanner from ABC Family's show "Make it or Break it". She was so sweet and stopped for pictures with everyone who asked. After another long day, we decided to head back to the hotel for some sleep since we knew the next morning (the day of the concert) was going to be an early one.
Please excuse me, but I'm with Alex  DeLeon from the Cab!   
Cassie Scerbo! She's a sweetheart <3

The morning of the Mcfly concert, we decided we needed to be there before 5 am, 4:30 at the latest. Call us crazy, but we knew we wouldn't be alone. We woke up at 3:30 am, got ready, and headed to The Roxy. As we're pulling up, we see NO ONE IN LINE. We were thrilled until we saw some girls barrelroll out of their car that had been parked there before us to make sure we knew they were there. As dissappointed as we were that we weren't first in line, We were only 6th and 7th, so we knew we would still be front row. That was it. Confirmation that we would see Mcfly front row at a small venue with NO BARRICADE IN BETWEEN US <3 As the day went on there was some drama that came about but everything worked out. The manager of the Roxy, Lizzie was so sweet to us, she made sure everything went accordingly. As the day went on, more and more people showed up, and by the time the show was starting, the line was so long it took up at least 2 blocks of the street we were on. It was insane.
Only the front of the line.. it went on and on.
us with the other mcfly fans at 4 am.

When it got closer and closer to the show, Dave came out and started filming for the DVD. He got snips of us waiting in line, going into the show, and during the performance. Harry tweeted a video of a 1 minute clip from the show at the Roxy, and me and Christina are all over it! At the beginning in line, us going in (which he only chose us and another girl from the whole crowd!) and then during them performing (we're on the very bottom left). If you're interested, you can watch that video clip here. The show was more than breathtaking. When they first came out, I cried again. It was so surreal attending a MCFLY show that I've waited so long for. Not only was it a mcfly concert, but I attended their FIRST EVER american show, and was front row to experience it. The boys recognized us, as they gave us a huge grin, a head nod and a "oh hey!!" It was honestly the best night of my life (other than meeting them). The emotion that goes into their performance is amazing. Words can't describe the feeling they put into their performances. Every single word of every single song, they were just pouring their heart and souls into it. Everyone in the crowd knew every word to every song, and although they looked shocked, they took it all in. They are so genuine. You can tell that they play music because they love to, not because of the fame and that's one of the huge things that I love about them. Music is their passion, and even if they stopped making money off of it, they would still continue to do it because it's what they love. I honestly can't wait until they come back because you can bet that I will be going to EVERY show in the proximity of my area. Including georgia, alabama etc. I want them to recognize me again and realize how much they mean to us. They definately did not disspoint. My favorite part of the show was when Danny came and stood on the edge of the stage on top of me. He literally straddled me, his crotch in my face. As he walked away, i squeezed his ass, and he turned to look at me and he just smiled. Then as you know, he kept coming back for more. (I don't blame him). ;)

Me and christina front row at the curtain!
Danny singing his heart out. (no zoom;copyright to me)

Dougie and harry <3

Dougie, he's such a babe. <3 (no zoom,copyrighted to me)

Tom laying on the floor playing, and Danny bent over professing his love for Christina ;).

Anyways, I'll make the rest short and sweet as this post is already years long (sorry!). We went to bed that night bruised, and battered, and tired. As i caught Dougies pick from the show (yes i caught my lovers pick), one girl CLAWED my hand as another tried to pry my fingers off of it. Those girls are crazy. Nonetheless, we went to bed that night worn out and completely satisfied with every decision we made that day. The saturday morning we woke up around 1pm, and decided to take our time getting ready. We headed out to get food, and afterwards drove around looking for more celebrities. We didn't find any BUT we did drive past Kim Kardashian's house, and we found out where Bruno Mars lives and goes for coffee every morning. That night we went to pinz bowling center to try spot any celebs that might be out for a good time. We ran into Sammi Hanratty, known for her roles such as Gretel in Jack and the Beanstalk, the young cratchit girl in a Christmas Carol. She has also had parts in CSI:Miami, Drake and Josh, The suite life of Zack and Cody, and an uncredited part in Pirates of the Carribbean:Dead Man's Chest. Although she was out enjoying the night with her family, she was so sweet and friendly, and was more than happy to take pictures with us! Those aren't on my computer yet though so you'll just have to keep up with my facebook if you wanna see it. ;) After Pinz, we headed back to the hotel, packed and went to bed. We got an early start (if you consider 10:30 in the morning early) back to Utah that morning, as I was flying back to Florida at Midnight Sunday night/Monday morning. I arrived back home at 9:30 am Monday morning and had to go straight to class from the airport. But everything I had to sacrafice for this trip was more than worth it. I had the best trip of my life, and nothing will surpass these memories. I'm hoping when they come to the US next year, It'll be easy enough to meet them. If not, backstage passes. Anyways, thanks for reading my long ass post about my trip. If you made it this far, please reward yourself with a cookie or something because I know that's a lot to take in. Anyways, until my next post, hope everyone is well, and I hope i didn't bore you to death! <3
                                               Lots of love,
                                                           Alycia xoxo

Friday, August 31, 2012

Travalo Review

 So many of you may have already heard of Travalo, a pocket-sized refillable perfume bottle. Now when I heard of this, I thought i HAD to try it out because I travel outside of the country at least once a year. My trip to Ireland this year was my first time actually bringing it on a flight, but I have definately used it going to Disney,  Universal, and other mini trips, and let me tell you it is FABULOUS. I have a fear of smelling bad, so you can bet your bottom dollar that I used to be one of those girls carrying perfume bottles in my purse to school every day. Sometimes, I'd forget I already had perfume in my bag, and keep adding and adding more. Once when i cleaned out my bag, I had 5 bottles of perfume in it, and taking them all out made my bag significantly lighter. This mini perfume bottle is so easy to use and will definately prevent any extra weight you don't need.

The circular "pump" on the bottom of the travalo makes for a super easy refill. All you need to do is take the spray top off of your actual perfume bottle, match the little hole on the travalo to the tube of the perfume and pump up and down until the travalo is filled to your content. The classic travalos have a 50 spray capacity. Other awesome qualities this product claims to have include: shatterproof glass (which i haven't tested) to see how full or empty it is, aircraft grade aluminum, it is 98% recyclable, and has a full sized spray (which is so nice to have in such a small product!)

All in all, I personally LOVE the travalo, and will probably order some to gift to friends for Christmas and birthdays! They have a lot of colors and styles to chose from (including a rollerball option!) on their website. Retailing at around $15 you can't complain. So what are you waiting for?! GO GET SHOPPING!

Have any of you purchased the Travalo? If so, do you like it, or do you feel like it doesn't do anything to help? Let me know in the comments. Hope everyone's having a great day!

                                       Much love,
                                             Alycia xoxo


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dublin Blogger Meetup

 Last month while I was in Ireland visiting my family, I attended a blogger meetup in Dublin. The meetup was put together by the amazing Sarah. We all met up in Dublin at the GPO by the spire, as it was, of course, raining. We all stood around talking, and getting to know one another while waiting for everyone to arrive. Once everyone showed up, we headed over to Lush on Henry Street where we went to spin the wheel of the Emotional Brilliance collection, and get our readings done! My 3 colors were "feeling secure": a gorgeous bright purple, "motivation" a shimmering teal, and "happiness" a yellowy-gold. The first color represents your strength, the second color represents your weakness, and the third color represents your talent. Once I saw my results, i was actually shocked as to how accurate they were. The picture with the swatches, are in order of my results starting at the top, and ending at the bottom.

As we were all getting ready to leave, every single one of us received a bag with a free mascara AND our favorite color of the collection! The people in Lush were so kind, and so far, I'm pretty impressed with the products! (Review to come) After Lush, we headed over to Arnotts, and met up with Gemma at the benefit counter where I volunteered to let her do my foundation using the "Prep, Prime, and perfect" technique. Unfortunately, I wasn't being tech savvy and did not get a picture of my foundation, but I will say, it perfected my skin pretty nicely! The only downside in my opinion was that it made my face feel kind of oily, and I have dry skin. I would have to try it out more to give an actual review, but those are just my first impressions!
 Gemma also introduced us to the Ultra Plush lip gloss range. This intrigued me as she told us that the lip glosses weren't sticky. I was thinking to myself "not sticky? yeah right". But as she put some on me, I realized that in fact they aren't sticky at all! The wind blew my hair in my face, and it fell right back down once the wind was gone. I didn't even have to touch it! The lip gloss did also have a pretty oily feeling,  and didn't last too long on my lips, but then again, there aren't many lip glosses that do last too long, especially when you go out to lunch, which is exactly what we did after Arnotts. For lunch we went to The Church on Henry street, and no, it's not an actual church, but the architecture sure looked like one! It was absolutely beautiful and the food was just as good! I had a ceasar salad as my lunch, but I decided to be a bit cheeky and get a blue wkd to drink (I am legal in ireland). It was my first one of my whole trip! And boy, was it GOOD.

Afterwards, the rain continued, only heavier (obviously) so we decided to run to Forever 21. We browsed there, and headed to boots, and inglot where I bought my first ever Inglot palette! I will do a review on that as soon as I use it a bit more. I had to head back to my grandparents house, but I know there were a few left who went out for drinks. I had a blast that day, and it was so amazing meeting bloggers who blog every day, and can't live without it. This meetup is the reason I started this blog, and now that I've figured it out I plan on continuing it all! Everyone there was so kind, and I really appreciate everything Sarah did!

  Sorry this is such a long post, I just hate summarizing something so good because it's the little details that make it worth reading!  Hopefully I will have my first ever blog review up within the week (before i go to CALIFORNIA). Talk to you all soon!
                       Much love,
                              Alycia. xoxo

Bloggers/youtubers at the meetup:
Sarah: http://adoreabubbles.blogspot.comYoutube
Hannah: http://abullettothehead.blogspot.ie/

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Finally joining the dark side!

Hey guys! So i really have no idea what I'm doing or how to do it. haha But I'm just messing around with the site as of right now to figure out how it all works, really. I'm thinking I might do a review on a palette or something tonight while I'm babysitting that way i can learn how this all plays out. But as for right now, my stuff is going to be simple until I learn how to properly post, and edit things. So stay tuned to see how my blog turns out! :D