Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dublin Blogger Meetup

 Last month while I was in Ireland visiting my family, I attended a blogger meetup in Dublin. The meetup was put together by the amazing Sarah. We all met up in Dublin at the GPO by the spire, as it was, of course, raining. We all stood around talking, and getting to know one another while waiting for everyone to arrive. Once everyone showed up, we headed over to Lush on Henry Street where we went to spin the wheel of the Emotional Brilliance collection, and get our readings done! My 3 colors were "feeling secure": a gorgeous bright purple, "motivation" a shimmering teal, and "happiness" a yellowy-gold. The first color represents your strength, the second color represents your weakness, and the third color represents your talent. Once I saw my results, i was actually shocked as to how accurate they were. The picture with the swatches, are in order of my results starting at the top, and ending at the bottom.

As we were all getting ready to leave, every single one of us received a bag with a free mascara AND our favorite color of the collection! The people in Lush were so kind, and so far, I'm pretty impressed with the products! (Review to come) After Lush, we headed over to Arnotts, and met up with Gemma at the benefit counter where I volunteered to let her do my foundation using the "Prep, Prime, and perfect" technique. Unfortunately, I wasn't being tech savvy and did not get a picture of my foundation, but I will say, it perfected my skin pretty nicely! The only downside in my opinion was that it made my face feel kind of oily, and I have dry skin. I would have to try it out more to give an actual review, but those are just my first impressions!
 Gemma also introduced us to the Ultra Plush lip gloss range. This intrigued me as she told us that the lip glosses weren't sticky. I was thinking to myself "not sticky? yeah right". But as she put some on me, I realized that in fact they aren't sticky at all! The wind blew my hair in my face, and it fell right back down once the wind was gone. I didn't even have to touch it! The lip gloss did also have a pretty oily feeling,  and didn't last too long on my lips, but then again, there aren't many lip glosses that do last too long, especially when you go out to lunch, which is exactly what we did after Arnotts. For lunch we went to The Church on Henry street, and no, it's not an actual church, but the architecture sure looked like one! It was absolutely beautiful and the food was just as good! I had a ceasar salad as my lunch, but I decided to be a bit cheeky and get a blue wkd to drink (I am legal in ireland). It was my first one of my whole trip! And boy, was it GOOD.

Afterwards, the rain continued, only heavier (obviously) so we decided to run to Forever 21. We browsed there, and headed to boots, and inglot where I bought my first ever Inglot palette! I will do a review on that as soon as I use it a bit more. I had to head back to my grandparents house, but I know there were a few left who went out for drinks. I had a blast that day, and it was so amazing meeting bloggers who blog every day, and can't live without it. This meetup is the reason I started this blog, and now that I've figured it out I plan on continuing it all! Everyone there was so kind, and I really appreciate everything Sarah did!

  Sorry this is such a long post, I just hate summarizing something so good because it's the little details that make it worth reading!  Hopefully I will have my first ever blog review up within the week (before i go to CALIFORNIA). Talk to you all soon!
                       Much love,
                              Alycia. xoxo

Bloggers/youtubers at the meetup:
Sarah: http://adoreabubbles.blogspot.comYoutube

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